I graduated from Bath Spa with a degree in fine art then worked in London for many years as a fashion stylist, but always knew I wanted to illustrate. I now live in Dorset with my husband, daughter and schnauzer Peggy. Working from my lovely attic studio, surrounded by scraps of paper and jars of buttons, that I know will come in handy one day! My absolute favourite things to draw are dogs, hedgehogs and kitchens.
For illustration work contact my lovely agents at www.thebrightagency.com
email - hello@lucyneale.com

Clients include:
Noel Tatt
DK Dorling Kindersley
North Parade Publishing
I am a Bookworm
The Five Mile Press
Calcium Creative
Phoenix Trading
DK Dorling Kindersley
North Parade Publishing
I am a Bookworm
The Five Mile Press
Calcium Creative
Phoenix Trading